Bills related to reference's physicians are selected in the file Bills-1.txt (without drugs).
#insuredInsured identifier
#ProviderCreditors' register identifier (Sasis-RCC)
#SpecialtySpecialty (see INPUT file "Providers.txt")
#NatureNature of the delivered services
DI Dialysis
HC Home care
HJ One day hospitalisation
HO Somatic hospitalisation
HP Psychiatric hospital
IM Imagery
LA Laboratory
MA Material
MD Medical doctor
MW Midwife
NH Nursing home
OT Other
PH Physiotherapy
SDStart date of the bill
EDEnd date of the bill
Observed costs of each reference physician are compared to the average costs per insured from all physicians, decomposed into four components.
Insured without any bill are included in the analysis.
No CréancierCreditors' register identifier (Sasis-RCC)
NomFamily name of the reference physician
PrénomFirst name of the reference physician
AnnéeYear of observation
NombreNumber of insured
CoûtObserved cost per insured of the reference physician (francs)
MoyenneAverage cost per insured (all physicians, in francs)
DifférenceObserved cost – Average cost (francs)
DémographieDemographic component (francs)
PropensionPropensity component (francs)
MaladiesDiseases component (francs)
PratiqueMedical practice component (francs)
Outpatients costs are compared to expected ones, by reference physician.
No CréancierCreditors' register identifier (Sasis-RCC)
PrénomFamily name of the reference physician
NomFirst name of the reference physician
AnnéeYear of observation
NombreNumber of insured
Coût observéObserved cost per insured of the reference physician (francs)
Coût attenduExpected cost per insured of the reference physician (francs)
Coût attendu minLow control limit
Coût attendu maxHigh control limit
RatioRatio between observed and expected cost
DifférenceDifference between observed and expected cost
ImpactDifference multiplied by the number of insured
The file "Disease.txt" provides the costs of each patient, allocated to all episodes of illnesses.
#InsuredInsured identifier
#NatureNature of the delivered services
DI Dialysis (nouveau)
DR Drug
HC Home care
HJ One day hospitalisation
HO Somatic hospitalisation
HP Psychiatric hospital
IM Imagery
LA Laboratory
MD Medical doctor
MW Midwife
NH Nursing home
OT Other
PH Physiotherapy
EPISODERank of the episode of illness
SQLAPEDiseases' group
SDStart day (rank of the day during the year)
EDEnd day of the episode (rank of the day during the year)
CCost of the episode
Observed costs are compared with expected one, for every patient, in the "Risks.txt" file.
#InsuredInsured identifier
CO1Observed cost
CO0Expected cost
CO0minMinimal expected cost
CO0maxMaximal expected cost
Observed healing scores are compared with expected one, for every patient in the "Score.txt" file.
#insuredInsured identifier
EPISODERank of the episode of illness
SQLAPEDiseases' group
End0= death, 2= others
M1Observed cost during the Week 1 of the episode of illness
M2Observed cost during the Week 2 of the episode of illness
other weeks
M52Observed cost during the Week 52 of the episode of illness
HHealing score
Both files below are produced to visualize the performances of reference physicians in a two axis figure with observed and expected values, for every specialty.
#ProviderCreditors' register identifier (Sasis-RCC)
LastNameFamily name of the reference physician
FirstNameFirst name of the reference physician
SpécialitéSpecialty (see INPUT file "Providers.txt")
CostOBSObserved cost (repartition by specialties)
CostATTExpected cost (repartition by specialties)
Ratio_CostRatio of observed/expected costs
NNumber of observations
#ProviderCreditors' register identifier (Sasis-RCC)
LastNameFamily name of the reference physician
FirstNameFirst name of the reference physician
SpécialitéSpecialty (see INPUT file "Providers.txt")
ScoreOBSObserved score (repartition by specialties)
ScoreATTExpected score (repartition by specialties)
Ratio_ScoreRatio of observed/expected scores
NNumber of observations (without one contact episodes)