General requirements: Insured, insurance and providers’ identifiers should be coherent through the four files.

Missing values must be empty (no character)

Observations of one year. If you want to analyze several years, calculate the results separately.

Use semi-column (;) to separate the fields. CR (“carriage return”) at the end of each record (as usual in windows applications)

The first line contents the fields names listed on the left in table below

Insured.txt: All insured covered during the year of insurance

#InsuredInsured identifiertext
#InsuranceInsurance companytext
YearYear of insurance coverageYYYY
Gender1=male, 2 = femalenumberInteger
AgeNumber of yearsnumberInteger
DeductibleAmount of deductiblenumberInteger
CantonSwiss cantons (two chararacters) or missing if the residence is abroadtext2
End0= death, 2= othersnumberreal
#ProviderCreditors' register (Sasis-RCC)text
from the reference’s physician (gate-keeper)

Bills.txt: All bills with an End date in the year

#InsuredInsured identifiertext
#InsuranceInsurance companytext
#ProviderCreditors' register (Sasis-RCC)text
#NatureNature of the delivered servicestext
DI Dialysis
DR Drug
HC Home care
HJ Day hospitalization
HO Somatic hospitalization
HP Psychiatric hospitalization
IM Imagery
LA Laboratory
MD Medical doctor
MW Midwife
NH Nursing home
OT Other
PH Physiotherapy
PR Prevention
StartDateStart date of deliveryYYYYMMDD(text)
EnddateEnd date of deliveryYYYYMMDD(text)
Maternity1=yes, 0 = nonumberinteger
AmountSwiss francsnumberreal

Drugs.txt: All drugs delivered during the year

#InsuredInsured identifiertext
#InsuranceInsurance companytext
#ProviderCreditors' register (Sasis-RCC)text
DateDate of drugs’ deliveryYYYYMMDD(text)
QuantityNumber of packagingnumberinteger
AmountSwiss francsnumberreal

Providers.txt: Update this file every year

#ProviderCreditors' register (Sasis-RCC)text
#SpecialtyANE Anesthesiologytext3
CAR Cardiology
CHR Chiropractician
DEN Dentist
DER Dermatologist
DIE Dietetics
END Endocrinology
ERG Ergotherapy
GAS Gastroenterology
GYN Gynecology and obstetrics
HEM Hematology and oncology
HOM Home care
HOS Hospitals
INT Internal medicine and generalists
LAB Laboratory
LOG Logopedy
MSO Maisons de cure
MWI Midwifes
NHO Nursing home
NLG Neurology
NSU Neurosurgery
NUR Nurses
OPH Ophtalmology
ORT Orthopedics
OSP Prevention and public health
OTH Other
PED Pediatrics
PHA Pharmacy
PHY Physiotherapy
PNE Pneumology
PRO Other professionnals
PRO Centre de fitness
PSY Psychiatry
RAD Radiology, radio- oncology and imagery
RHE Rhumatology
SUR Surgery
THE Thermal
TRP Transport
UNS Unspecified
URO Urology
CantonSwiss cantons (two chararacters) or missing if the residence is abroadtext2