Step 1. Organ supply
- Following procedures’ groups require organ supply: heart transplantation (COR4), heart operation with circulatory assistance (COR3), operation on large vessels with circulatory assistance (GVA3), extra corporeal circulation (VAS4), lung transplantation (PUL5), ventilatory support > 96 hours (TRA5), ventilatory support < 96 hours or unspecified (TRA2), kidney transplantation (REN5), liver transplantation (HEP4).
Step 2. Endoscopic or endovascular access
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (ARC2), Other minor operation on small vessels (VAS3), Operation on varicose limb veins (VAS2), Cardiac catheterization or angiocardiography (COR1), Coronary angiography or thrombolytic therapy (ARC1), Other arteriography or catherization (VAS1), Endoscopic operation on ureter (URE2), Endoscopic operation on urethra (URT2), Endoscopic operation on bladder (VES2), Endoscopic operation on stomach (STO2), Minor operation on small intestine (INT2), Minor operation on large intestine (INC2), Gastroscopy (STO1), Endoscopic operation on biliary tract (BIL3), Biliary tract endoscopy (BIL2).
Step 3. Highly invasive procedures
- Procedures are considered highly invasive if they involve the whole organ (resection, anastomosis, amputation, prosthesis, repair for instance). The extensive list of procedures’ categories is the following: ABD5, ANP2, ANU4, APP2, ARC3, ART3, AUE4, AUE5, BIL2, BIL4, BIL5, BUC3, CAP3, CER3, COL3, COR2, COX4, COX5, CRA2, CRU3, CRU4, CUT3, CUT4, DIA2, DIG3, FAC3, GEN4, GVA2, HEP3, HYP2, INC3, INC4, INT3, INT4, LAR3, LIE2, LYM3, MAM3, MAM4, MAM5, MUS3, NAS4, NER3, OCU3, OES3, ORB2, OVA3, PAN2, PED3, PED4, PEN3, PER2, PHA3, PRO3, PUL2, PUL3, PUL4, REC3, REN4, SCA3, SIN2, SPI3, STO3, STO4, STO5, TES3, THM2, THO2, THR3, TRA4, URE3, URT3, VAG2, VAL2, VAS5, VAS6, VES4, VES5, VUL3.
Step 4. Very small organs
- Eye structures and fingers
Step 5. Low invasive procedures:
- Procedures are considered as minimally invasive if they involve only a part of the organ (biopsy, partial excision, incision for instance). The extensive list of procedures categories is the following: Minor operation on anus (ANU3), Thyroid biopsy (THR2), Operation on lymphatic nodes (LYM2), Operation on the blood marrow (SAN2), Excision of knee structures (GEN2), Other arthroscopic operation on knee (GEN3), Minor operation on hand (MAN2), Bone biopsy (OSS2), Incision or excision of the vulva (VUL2), Minor operation on uterus (UTE2), Debridement (CUT2), Minor operation on tegument (CUT1), Minor operation on eyeball (OCU2), Minor operation on posterior chamber (CAP2), Operation on anterior chamber (CAA2), Operation on conjunctiva (CON2), Operation on eyelid (PAL2), Minor operation on larynx (LAR2), Minor operation on mouth (BUC2), Operation of tympan (AUE2), Minor operation on ear (AUE3), Other operation on nose (NAS3), Minor operation on pharynx (PHA2), Operation on tonsil, except resection (TON2), Other operation on teeth (DEN2), Transfusion (SAN1).
Step 6. Small organs
- Hand, foot, salivary glands, teeths, nerves, lymph nodes